John Wight Believes Groups of Jews Can Disguise Themselves as Like Us

The antisemitic John Wight has a blog-missive up at Socialist Unity… well, had, as it appears to have been deleted. Fortunately, it’s still present in Google Cache.

A three thousand word bloviation of cod post modern analysis and grand narrative construction, it took 700 words to read the title subject: Israel. Illustrated with the above photograph (I am unsure if the intention was to show crying male soldiers as effeminate, and weak for the displays of emotion), the text contained various arguable antisemitic remarks:

On the one hand it constitutes the realisation of an ancient covenant with God, in which as a chosen people the Jews were promised the land of historic Palestine for eternity,

Not if you have read Amos 3:2, mate.

I am a Jew. Hath not a Jew eyes? Hath not a Jew hands, organs, dimensions, senses, affections, passions; fed with the same food, hurt with the same weapons, subject to the same diseases, healed by the same means, warmed and cooled by the same winter and summer as a Christian is? If you prick us do we not bleed? If you tickle us do we not laugh? If you poison us do we not die? And if you wrong us shall we not revenge? If we are like you in the rest, we will resemble you in that. If a Jew wrong a Christian, what is his humility? Revenge. If a Christian wrong a Jew, what should his sufferance be by Christian example? Why, revenge. The villainy you teach me I will execute, and it shall go hard but I will better the instruction.

No, sorry,not that one. This one:

They looked like us and spoke like us, while their leaders wore open-necked shirts and appeared at ease on the world stage. In contradistinction, the indigenous population represented an alien culture at odds with our own, one which seemed both primitive and retrograde.

The ability of soldiers to target and massacre civilians during a military operation can only ever be rooted in a racist attitude which paints the targeted population as untermenschen. In the case of Israel, such racism towards the Palestinians combines with a victim mentality in which the destruction of the Jewish people is at hand unless they destroy those who wish to destroy them first.

Commenter Boab offered a history of the photograph:

12.Once again Joe, reality misses you.

This picture is of IDF soldiers after the had evicted Jewish settlers from Gaza. It appears on the internet in several places with the filename 2005.expulsion.jpg.

1 Stormfront.


2 A Pravda forum entitled “Disgusting Jew Soldiers”


3 A Pravda forum called “‘Inglourious Basterds’ – a WWII fantasy where Jews come out on top”


Now I wonder why that was not referenced.

Comment by Boab — 10 June, 2010 @ 5:06 pm

Given Wight’s history of referencing neo-Nazi and Holocaust Denial websites, I wonder indeed.

2 Responses to “John Wight Believes Groups of Jews Can Disguise Themselves as Like Us”

  1. Caro Says:

    “The ability of soldiers to target and massacre civilians during a military operation can only ever be rooted in a racist attitude which paints the targeted population as untermenschen.”

    Oh, yes, right, those racist Israelis. Has this sicko looked at the skin color of the young soldier with his head down? Most Arabs are lighter-skinned than this man, who may, in fact, be Druze or Bedouin himself. Muslims are not a race, they are adherents of a religion.

    The sentence I have quoted is an obvious case of projection. This bigot thinks of Jews as untermenschen, and since his amour-propre won’t allow him to admit to such disgusting feelings, he projects them onto the innocent victims of his hatred.

    It’s ok, we have been hated more by even worse people than he. Too bad for him, we are still here and not going anywhere.

    • efrafandays Says:

      Has this sicko looked at the skin color of the young soldier with his head down? Most Arabs are lighter-skinned than this man, who may, in fact, be Druze or Bedouin himself.

      Yeah, I noticed that. He’s paler than my mother after a few weeks of the peely-wally Scottish sun, and we’re ethnic teuchters.

      I watching David Baddiel’s docu about tracing his maternal grandparents’ wealth in Eastern Europe… David is, of course, swarthy but his brother is *brown*. It might come from their father’s side, but this complexion would still have been common in Eastern Europe 70 years ago.

      Goodness knows what happened to those Jews.

      Wightie is, of course, the bloke who speaks of “International Jewry” and the scales falling from the world’s eyes over Israel (Acts 9:18). Plus, as a male model, he ought to be careful about which other men he calls nancy boys.

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